This animation of the Opera, Madama Butterfly, is almost a humorous way to portray the story-line. The Geisha and American look like barbie dolls that are more flexible and emotional. The way that we were told about this opera in class is how it played out by the animated characters. I feel that this was a very creative way to get the story-line across to people, especially children, without using subtitles. It painted a very clear picture in my mind and I was able to understand what occurred in Madama Butterfly.
These clay-like figures are animated in a very realistic way. You are able to see emotion and life and attach feelings to these characters as if they are real people. When he arrives back in Japan with his blonde Barbie-figure, you can see how upset the Geisha is and how happy the man is to have his child with him. I feel that this version of portraying the opera works because it is simple and direct.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
First day of Class
When arriving in the class, I had no idea what to expect with no desks or computers in the classroom. As the class progressed, I realized that this could be really interesting to learn about. Since I have taken basic music classes, I knew about some of the periods we were talking about, which made it a little easier to understand. When art and technology mix, it is an interesting combination to learn about. At the end of this class, I hope to take away new concepts that link art and technology together and how important the growing world of multimedia functions.
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